comments from taufik

Discussion in 'Sudirman Cup 2005' started by rayeraye, May 12, 2005.

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  1. capiozz

    capiozz Regular Member

    May 14, 2005
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    taufik is still the best and still rocks as always! u so cool to watch! whether it;s so excited or heart beat so fast, u are still looked calm and cool as always!!
    go away China team though i will congrat u for ur excellence. go away.:(
  2. kwun

    kwun Administrator

    Apr 24, 2002
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    Santa Clara, CA, USA
    i believe Taufik's comment does come from himself, and i do not thing it is too much out of line. in fact, i would prefer Lin Dan to actually make a challenge over it. but instead Lin Dan just shrug it off without saying much and staying cool about it.

    perhaps that's what's so great about Lin Dan, and that's his mental strength, even when presented with such a verbal challenge from one of his most feared foe, he isn't swayed by it. instead, he prefers action over words. beat the guy in straight games and see what he can say now?

    two force are playing here, one is the war of words, while it creates nice tension and rivalry with comments like those given by Taufik, we don't want the words to go out of hand like those boxers in their press conference.

    the other is purity, words are cheap, and the purists would prefer to see it duked out in the badminton court instead of in press conferences.

    and i think a middle ground is the desirable place, let these guys say a few words against each other, get the tension going, get them psyched up. and then let them go into the court, play their best game and decide who is really the better player.

    and this time, Lin proves that he is the one.

    if we were to keep score though, they are still 1-1, Taufik beat Lin at home in december, Lin beat Taufik at home in SC.

    let's see who wins in a neutral arena.

    Lin 1 - Taufik 1

    (i am disregarding that long time ago match)
  3. cooler

    cooler Regular Member

    Apr 25, 2002
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    Surfing, reading fan mails:D, Dilithium Crystal hu
    Basement Boiler Room
    if taufik is deceptive on court, i'm sure he is also deceptive off court too to establish some advantages. Hey, if it boost media ratings, more power to him :)

    I think it's healthy to challenge or to be challenged. Winning a title is one thing, beating your foe give ya extra bonus satisfaction :)
    #63 cooler, May 16, 2005
    Last edited: May 16, 2005
  4. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    Concur and concur...It's nothing more than "confidence" and "psyched-up" talks, both he or LinDan could say the same thing...I don't think it's so much of a disrespecting talk, I'm sure he knows LinDan is the #1 and "best" MS player in the world, and he propped him up already a few times..ANd vice versa, Lin also knows that Taufik is the current Olympic champ and his "biggest" rival..That's why, as a challenge, Taufik made the comments that "he wants and prefer to play the #1 player(in the world and for China) and defeat him in front of his homecourt" ..I mean, what else is he going to say??..But true, words are just words, as Taufik never followed up his talk.. :(

    About their head to head meeting, isn't it strange that their record is only 1-1(with Kwun's official record)..;).
    I mean basically the top 2 heavy-weight contenders in the world in MS only played each other 3x so far in their career??..
    I can't wait til the WC rolls around, should be one heck of a match if both of them should meet again..and then later in Nov. hope they'll meet again in China Open and the following week in Indonesia Open...(phew)..:rolleyes:

    #64 ctjcad, May 16, 2005
    Last edited: May 16, 2005
  5. kwun

    kwun Administrator

    Apr 24, 2002
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    Santa Clara, CA, USA
    i too thought about that. only 3 times in the last 4 years? something strange must be going on. but then, Lin Dan has only been around and playing his top game for 2 years, i still remember in Japan Open 2003, he was relatively new then. and Taufik has been fighting with PBSI for the longest amount of time and hasn't been back in his top game until last year.

    the good part is that both of them are relatively young. one of them is 22, and the other one 24. and it looks like Taufik is now stable with his relationship with PBSI and won't be running away to another country any time soon. on Lin Dan's side, not many promising players are rising to take the helm from him (like what happened to Xia). and i am sure Lin Dan will stick around to claim the Olympic title that he thought he deserved but so poorly missed in 2004.

    as a result, i predict both will be around for quite a few years more. and we as badminton fans will be treated to many more years of rivalry between these two players. in the world of sports, nothing is better than a healthy rivalry. :)
  6. kwun

    kwun Administrator

    Apr 24, 2002
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    Santa Clara, CA, USA
  7. Simp84

    Simp84 Regular Member

    Oct 3, 2004
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    This is definatly pure media manipulation...
    This is a chinese site of course they make the opponent look ugly
    Look at how the comment they are all negative.... they probably sensor
    all the good comments out and leave the bad one in LOL~
    Well Lin Dan himeself is probably the most arragont one out there,
    this guy hold strong grudge against Peter Gade and Taufik Hidayat
  8. dongdong55

    dongdong55 Regular Member

    Apr 12, 2005
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    at least lin Dan didn't against Chinese Badminton Association
  9. Bresis

    Bresis Regular Member

    May 21, 2004
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    How do you know definitely?? Nobody might be true or it might not be :confused:
  10. Simp84

    Simp84 Regular Member

    Oct 3, 2004
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    Well maybe not definitely sorry :( But most unlikely true :p
    Firstly, different sources are stated in the chinese and english aricle even though they are the exact same article...

    Second, what language do you think the interview was conducted in? I doubt Taufik can speak madarine LOL~

    Well lastly, even if this article was true I doubt Taufik meant what he says..
    It must have been a very informal type of interview... and it sounds cocky from the english article point of view.. but if you understand chinese... and you read the part where it says.. "I'm more popular with girls" it has a (smile) added next to it... we can assume he was probably in a joking mood during the interview...
    As you guys know Taufik is a joker and flamboyant type of guy... I guess he is just trying to impress his indonesian fans.. who knows him as being the guy he is

    Anyway... Taufik talks alot, but he does respect his opponent, you guys saying Taufik only tap Lin Dan after he lost? Guess wrong, when he beat Lin Dan in indonesia he gave him a handshake.... And Taufik always shake hands to his opponent before running off the court (well some exception when he was younger LOL) unlike the Lin who just ran off the court after he beat taufik....:rolleyes:
  11. ChocoChipWaffle

    ChocoChipWaffle Regular Member

    Apr 5, 2005
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    well, he did run off in olympics... well, he was crying also, so maybe we should give the poor guy a break...;) :D
  12. kontrabando

    kontrabando Regular Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    IT Manager
    Taufik has to join more tournaments

    Taufik is not as young as lin if he is determined to break the tie (1-1 as kwun said hehe), he has to do it real soon...i mean, lin dan is getting better and better and i think the progress won't stop until he's like 28 to 30...taufik on the other hand has only a couple of years more to stay as competitive IMHO. I am a big taufik fan but I think lin dan will catch up on him real soon (as shown in the last game). The longer taufik waits, the smaller the chance for him to beat lin dan. I am saying this because taufik is very picky of the tournaments that he is joining. Well, maybe because of the injuries he suffered as what people say.
  13. newplayer

    newplayer Regular Member

    May 15, 2005
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    Melbourne, Australia
    This is defintely purely your speculation. Do you have any evidence?

    Can you actually read Chinese? Which articles made the opponent look ugly? Which
    comments are all negative? Is this your speculation again?

    First of all, it's "censor", not "sensor". Looks like you not only cannot read Chinese,
    but also have trouble with English, is this why you missed all the articles which
    praised how well the non-Chinese teams played? :rolleyes:

    Is this your speculation again? Were you there in Beijing during the tournament?
    Did you go to all the Chinese team press conferences? Did you read any article
    that talked about Lin Dan's arrogance? Taufik made the comment about how he's
    going to beat Lin Dan in front of Lin Dan's homecrowd. If this is not arrogance, I
    don't know what is. If you think that's a fabrication, why don't you write to Taufik
    or the Indo badminton team to ask for clarification?

    A strong grudge? How do you know? Did you read Lin Dan's mind using a crystal
    ball? It's fair to say that Lin Dan wanted to beat Peter Gade and Taufik
    Hidayat pretty badly, and he did so in AE and Surdiman Cup respectively. How do
    you know Peter Gade and Taufik Hidayat don't hold a strong grudge against Lin
    Dan? After all, they are the losers in their most recent matches against Lin Dan,
    and we all know how some losers can be very bitter ....

  14. Brave_Turtle

    Brave_Turtle Regular Member

    Oct 27, 2003
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    Montreal (514)
    Thats a point, but on the other hand I think Taufik is like good wine. He gets better as he get older. His style of play is very technical and it takes less physical force than Lin Dan style of play. Chances are that Lin will get slower as he get older.

    As you get older your physical abilities reduces but your skills, badminton fundamentals and experience is still there.

    Lin has less variation of shots but he has very good fundamental shots, great physical ability and great mental strenght. He also can read the game and detect opponent weakness very well.

    Taufik is very talented, he has a very wide variation of shots. His backhand is just amazing, probably one of the best backhand of the top 10 MS. He likes to play tight net shot followed by smash or drop. However, his physical abilities aren't as good as Lin Dan. His mental strenght also depend of his motivation.

    IMO I think they both stand on the same level. It's a good thing that they tie 1-1 now, more spice in upcoming tournament ***World Cup***

    I just hope Taufik won't lose motivation of playing... that will be very bad for badminton.
  15. Simp84

    Simp84 Regular Member

    Oct 3, 2004
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    well the evidence is clear that Lin Dan is arrogant, this is most evident when he play against Peter Gade, during All England, did you see how rude he was on court, he was using hand sign to tell him to shut up
    And also when the game ended when peter pat him on the back of the shoulder he swung his hand away
    And to show that this guy is so arrogant, he even asked Ronald Susilo to shut up during the game when Ronald tries to argue with the umpire

    And please dont post your hostility and sarcasm here, if you have something personal to say dont say it here. Peace
  16. kwun

    kwun Administrator

    Apr 24, 2002
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    Santa Clara, CA, USA
    it was unfortunately that this thread is now closed. there were quite a bit of thoughtful discussion, but eventually turned into unconstructive comments.
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