Djarum has build new badmiton fasilities, the building size is [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]29.450 m2 on the [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]43.207 m2 land. and "it is better than pelatnas cipayung " said christian hadinata CTJAD, would u mind translating it in english again? thanks in advance [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Peresmian GOR PB Djarum[/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+2]Harus Jadi Center of Excellence[/SIZE] [/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Layaknya pesta olahraga, pembukaan GOR Bulutangkis PB Djarum di kawasan Jati, Kudus, Sabtu (27/5) begitu meriah. Tidak hanya ditandai dengan pentas seni pagelaran apik sejarah perjalanan klub hasil olahan koreografer Djaduk Ferianto, tetapi juga dengan pesta kembang api. Apa sasarannya? [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Pantas rasanya PB Djarum perlu merayakan peresmian GOR baru yang dibangun selama dua tahun dengan pesta besar. Maklum, GOR yang memiliki luas 29.450 meter persegi di atas lahan seluas 43.207 meter persegi itu memang menjanjikan sejumlah kehebatan. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Kelebihan itu tentu karena untuk mewujudkannya sampai menghabiskan dana Rp 30 miliar. Gedung untuk menggantikan GOR lama di Kaliputu itu memang bertaraf internasional. Bahkan, konon gedung ini merupakan yang terbaik di Asia Tenggara. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Gedung baru ini memiliki bangunan terpadu yang bergaya arsitektur minimalis. Selain ruang perkantoran, ada lapangan bulutangkis, ruang makan, pertemuan, audio visual, perpustakaan, komputer, fitnes, asrama pemain, dan rumah pelatih. Khusus gedung olahraga, terdapat 16 lapangan yang terdiri dari 12 beralaskan kayu dan sisanya beralaskan vinil, dengan tribun penonton di kedua sisi. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Tak heran, banyak pihak yang menyebut Pelatnas Cipayung, Jakarta Timur pun bisa disebut kalah bagus. “Agak minder juga kalau melihat fasilitasnya seperti ini dibandingkan Pelatans Cipayung,” sebut Christian Hadinata, pelatih Pelatnas Cipayung sekaligus mantan pemain PB Djarum. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]“Dengan fasilitas mewah yang dimiliki, semoga bisa menggugah semangat adik-adik untuk berlatih lebih semangat lagi. Saya yakin suatu saat nanti akan lahir juara dunia lagi dari sini,” tutur Alan Budikusuma. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Kembalikan Supremasi Alasan dibangunnya GOR baru ini, menurut Ketua POR Djarum, F.X. Supanji, adalah untuk mengembalikan supremasi bulutangkis Indonesia yang belakangan terpuruk. Apalagi, PB Djarum pernah gilang-gemilang ketika Indonesia merebut Piala Thomas 1984 di Kuala Lumpur. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Kala itu, dari delapan pemain, tujuh di antaranya berasal dari PB Djarum, yaitu Liem Swie King, Hastomo Arbi, Hadiyanto, Kartono, Heryanto, Christian Hadinata, dan Hadibowo. Satu pemain lagi adalah Icuk Sugiarto. “Demi mengembalikan supremasi itu, kita tidak pernah kendor dan tetap konsisten selama 36 tahun untuk melakukan pembinaan pemain,” tegas Supanji. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]PB Djarum berdiri tahun 1969. Awalnya hanya sebagai kegiatan penyaluran hobi bagi karyawan di gudang rokok di Jl. Bitingan Lama, Kudus. Namun, pada tahun 1970, akhirnya yang ikut berlatih bukan hanya karyawan, tetapi juga pemain dari luar. Dari sinilah tonggak pembinaan Djarum dalam menyumbang pemain nasional dimulai. Demi tuntutan tersebut, akhirnya tahun 1982 dibangun GOR di Kaliputu dengan 11 lapangan. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]GOR Kaliputu akan tetap dipertahankan. Nantinya diserahkan kepada Pengcab PBSI Kudus bagi pembinaan pemain muda. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]“Kini, sebagai bentuk komitmen Djarum bagi olahraga, kami akan berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk melahirkan atlet tingkat dunia sebanyak mungkin,” sebut Chief Operating Officer PT Djarum, Victor Hartono. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Sementara itu Ketua Umum PB PBSI, Sutiyoso, mengharapkan GOR ini menjadi tempat yang sangat prestisius bagi para atlet potensial ditempa menjadi juara dunia. GOR Jati bukan lagi tempat untuk pemain yang hanya juara RT. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]“Kudus dan PB Djarum harus menjadi center of execellence bagi dunia perbulutangkisan Indonesia,” tutur Sutiyoso. “Karena lewat bulutangkis, derajat bangsa Indonesia bisa terangkat.” [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Saat ini pusat pelatihan PB Djarum di Kudus diikuti 33 atlet putra dan 32 putri. Sementara itu di Jakarta diikuti 45 atlet, yang merupakan pengembangan khusus ganda. Semoga harapan Bang Yos menjadi kenyataan! Broto Happy W. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica]GOR PB Djarum, Jati [SIZE=-1]Dibangun sejak 2004 dan diresmikan 27 Mei 2006 Luas lahan 43.207 m2 Luas bangunan 29.450 m2 Kelompok Bangunan 1. Gedung Olahraga 4.925 m2 (16 lapangan) 2. Bangunan Penunjang 830 m2 3. Ruang Makan 414 m2 4. Asrama Atlet 1.834m2 (40 kamar) 5. Rumah Pelatih 312 m2[/SIZE] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+2]Smes King Tetap Menggelegar[/SIZE] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] [SIZE=-1]Smes King menggelegar kembali di GOR Jati Kudus. Meskipun berkali-kali menyebut telah meninggalkan bulutangkis, demi menyemarakkan acara pembukaan GOR baru PB Djarum, Sabtu (27/5), Liem Swie King rela mengayun raket kembali. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Bukan hanya King. Seluruh mantan pemain Djarum yang telah mengharumkan nama Indonesia di belantika bulutangkis dunia juga kembali bertanding di GOR baru yang menghabiskan dana Rp 30 miliar tersebut. Di salah satu dari 16 lapangan itu, King berpasangan dengan keponakannya, Hermawan Susanto, melawan Antonius Budi Ariantho dan Effendy Widjaya. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Di lapangan lain tampak Fung Permadi/Hastomo Arbi bertanding melawan Alan Budikusuma/Aryono Miranat. Heryanto/Hariyanto berlaga dengan Simbarsono/Karyanto. Bobby Ertanto/Sofyan mencari keringat melawan Haryanto/Kuryanto. Sementara itu Eddy Hartono, Hendrawan, Basri Yusuf, dll. juga tak mau ketinggalan unjuk gigi. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]“Saya senang bisa bertemu rekan lama. Reuni ini tentu berkesan,” sebut King, yang hanya main satu gim lalu istirahat. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Hal serupa diamini Ivana Lie. “Saya berterima kasih kepada PB Djarum karena saya bisa berkumpul di sini. Di Jakarta susah sekali,” sebutnya. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Demi kangen-kangen itu, Basri Yusuf pun rela pulang dari Singapura. Pelatih yang delapan tahun melatih di Negeri Singa itu pun sangat gembira bisa hadir di Kudus. “Saya senang bisa jumpa teman lama. Langka rasanya dapat reuni seperti ini,” sebutnya. (bhw)[/SIZE] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][FONT=verdana,geneva,helvetica]>> Kembali ke Atas[/FONT] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Victor Hartono [SIZE=+2]Bulutangkis Persatukan Indonesia[/SIZE] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] [SIZE=-1]Penampilannya tidak menunjukkan bahwa Victor Hartono adalah Chief Operating Officer PT Djarum. Saat para mantan bintang PB Djarum beraksi mengayun raket kembali dalam pertandingan reuni, tokoh sentral itu justru ikut berkeringat menjadi fotografer. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Victor kerap memainkan tombol kamera untuk merekam aksi Liem Swie King, Hastomo Arbi, Heryanto, atau Eddy Hartono. Orang awam mengira dia hanya petugas dokumentasi. Padahal, itu hanya salah satu bentuk kepedulian Victor terhadap bulutangkis. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]“PB Djarum memiliki sebuah komitmen khusus yang sangat luhur, yakni memajukan dunia bulutangkis Indonesia. Kami sadar untuk mencetak pemain kelas dunia itu bukan hal mudah. Semua harus diawali dengan fondasi yang kokoh, salah satunya tersedianya fasilitas terbaik untuk pemain,” ujarnya. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Dijelaskannya, untuk mewujudkan fondasi yang kokoh itu PB Djarum perlu mendirikan GOR Bulutangkis yang baru di kawasan Jati, Kudus. Ini sesuai dengan visi PB Djarum, yaitu akan berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk melahirkan sebanyak mungkin atlet berkelas dan juara dunia. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]“Saya berharap kehadiran GOR baru ini bisa menggugah semangat masyarakat Indonesia terhadap bulutangkis agar bangkit kembali,” tegasnya. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Menurut Victor, dalam sejarahnya, bulutangkis itu adalah alat pemersatu bangsa Indonesia. Saat pahlawan bulutangkis berlaga di ajang Piala Thomas, Uber, Sudirman, Olimpiade atau kejuaraan lain, saat itu pula penggemar bulutangkis di Tanah Air tidak lagi membicaraan soal suku, agama, ras, maupun latar budaya sang pemain. Ketika itu yang menonjol adalah semangat kebangsaan. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]“Lihat, ketika pemain-pemain Indonesia juara Piala Thomas atau saat Taufik Hidayat meraih medali emas di Olimpiade, orang tidak lagi membicarakan asal usul, agama, rasa atau budaya. Ini membuktikan bulutangkis membuat bangga bangsa Indonesia dan kami rindu akan hal itu.” (bhw) [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1] [/SIZE][/FONT]
Guessing from numerical bits and pieces, the lot size is 43,207 sq.m (~10.6 acres), the facility size is 29,450 sq.m (~7.2 acres) and it's got 16 courts. That's quite big and most probably also pretty expensive. Big tobacco must be doing very well there. (Sorry, don't mean to turn this into a political debate.) Anyhow, any one got pictures of this new facility? It must've an excellent assortment of amenities judging from its size. Administrative offices, break room(s), running track? Weight room? Medical clinic?
I just noticed the second article. Is that Liem Swie King in the picture holding a shuttle? Did they hold some old-timers exhibition matches sort of thing as part of the opening ceremony? Now, I really want to see some pictures.
Translation OK folks, as requested and for those interested, here's my brief translation version of the article...sorry, a bit late in providing a translation but phew, that was a long one taufik-ist..hehe BTW, do you mind telling us where you found the article??..thx- Anyways, my first impression of the new complex after reading the article, i was just amazed and quite flabbergasted by how enormous the complex is(info provided by Quasimodo). Probably what they said abt comparing it to Pelatnas in Cipayung is quite true. I mean it's almost mind-boggling if one thinks that this place is not the national training center... One more thing to share with you guys, abt the actual location of Jati, Kudus. Here's a pic of the area...It is in Central Java; if you noticed, it's northeast of Yogyakarta(the area which was hit by a big earthquake last week), east of Jakarta and west of Surabaya (the current city where this yr's IO is held).. The Inauguration of the Djarum Badminton Club Sport Hall An obligation to become the Center of Excellence. It is only fitting of a sport celebration, that the grand opening of Djarum Badminton Club's Sports Complex in the area of Jati, Kudus, Saturday, was a jubilation. Not only was there a beautiful presentation presenting the long history of the club pioneered by Djaduk Ferianto, but also a live fireworks show. What is the purpose? It's appropriate for PB Djarum to celebrate the inauguration of a new sports hall which was constructed the last 2 years with a grand celebration. Understandably so, the sport hall which is 29,450 sq.meter on top of a land which is 43,207 sq.meter, promise quite a few excitements. The excessiveness was shown by the amount of money spent which cost Rp.30 miliar(US$3.0+ Mil). The sport hall which was to replace the old sport hall, located in Kaliputu, has an international standard. Even some say it is the best one in the South East Asia region. This new building was built solid with a minimalist style of architecture. Beside an administrative office, there are also badminton courts, a dining hall, meeting room, audio/visual room, library, computer room, fitness room, an athletes' dormitory and a housing for coaches. Specifically a sport hall, there are 16 courts which consist of 12 wood courts and the rest vinyl, with seating areas for spectators on both sides. Not surprising, a lot of viewers consider Pelatnas Cipayung(PBSI Training Center), in East Jakarta, to be "outmatched". "We feel a bit inferior if we compare this facility with Pelatnas Cipayung," said Christian Hadinata, a coach for Pelatnas Cipayung as well as a former player from Djarum Badminton Club. "With this extravagant facility, hopefully it will arouse the younger players' spirit to practice even harder. I'm confident that one day there will be a new world champion from this place", said Alan Budikusuma. Bringing back the supremacy The reason to build this new sport hall, according to Djarum Head Chief, F.X. Supanji, is to bring back the supremacy of Indonesian badminton which has gone down recently. Especially, Djarum Badminton Club which used to shine when Indonesia won the 1984 Thomas Cup in Kuala Lumpur. At that time, from 8 players, 7 of them were from Djarum Badminton Club., they were Liem swie King, Hastomo Arbi, Hadiyanto, Kartono, Heryanto, Christian Hadinata and Hadibowo. The other player was Icuk Sugiarto. "For the sake of bringing back that supremacy, we will never slacken and will stay consistent for 36 years to train the players", Supanji said firmly. Djarum Badminton Club was started in 1969. In the beginnning it was used as a channel for regular hobby for the employees of the cigarette factory located on Bitingan Lama Street, Kudus. But, at the end of 1970, there weren't only employees who were practicing, but also outside players. From here on, the training provided by Djarum developed into a beginning of contribution of national players. And for the sake of many requests, finally in 1982 they built a sport hall in Kaliputu with 11 courts. Kaliputu Sport Hall will still be retained. Which will later be given to Indonesian Badminton Association's branch Kudus which will train new young players. "Right now, as Djarum's sport commitment for the sport, we will give all our best to produce world athletes as much as possible," said Chief of Operation from Djarum company, Victor Hartono. In the meantime, Indonesian Badminton Association's Chairman, Sutiyoso, hoped that this Sport Hall will become a prestigious place for all potential athletes being trained to become world champion. Jati Sport Hall will no longer be a place for a player to become a local district champion. "Kudus and Djarum Badminton Club must become the center of excellence for the Indonesian badminton life," remarked Sutiyoso. "Because thru badminton, the name of the nation of Indonesia will be raised." As of right now Djarum Badminton Club has a membership of 33 male athletes and 32 female athletes. Meanwhile in its Jakarta's branch there are 45 athletes, which is specially focused for Men's Doubles development. Hopefully Mr. Sutiyoso's dream will come true! reported by Broto Happy W. Here are some infos on Djarum Badminton Club Sports Hall. Built since 2004 and inaugurated on May 21, 2006. Land size is 43, 207 sq.m(10.6 acres) Building size is 29, 450 sq.m(7.2 acres) 1. Sport Hall is 4,925 sq.m (16 courts) 2. Support Hall 830 sq.m 3. Dining Hall 414 sq.m 4. Athlete's dormitory 1,834 sq.m (40 rooms) 5. Housing for coaching staff 312 sq.m King of Smash still making noise. The King of Smash once again made a noise in Jati Kudus Sport Hall. Eventhough mentioned numerous times that he has left the world of badminton, for the sake of cheering the grand opening of Djarum Badminton Club, Saturday (May 27), Liem Swie King was willing to wield a racket again. Not only the King, but all the former Djarum players who had raised the name of Indonesia in the world of badminton also played in the new sport hall which cost Rp.30 mil(US$3+ million). On one of the 16 courts, the King paired with his nephew, Hermawan Susanto, against Antonius Budi Ariantho and Effendy Widjaya. "I'm happy to meet old friends. This reunion will be memorable," said the King, which only played 1 game and then took a rest. The same sentiment was echoed by Ivana Lie. "I want to thank Djarum Badminton Club becuase i'm able to convene here. It's very difficult in Jakarta," she said. Longing for this moment, Basri Yusuf was willing to go back home from Singapore. The coach who coached for 8 yrs in Singapore was ecstatic for being able to be in Kudus. "I'm happy to meet old friends. It's rare to have this kind of reunion," he said.(bhw) Victor Hartono Badminton unites Indonesia. His appearance doesn't resemble Victor Hartono, who is the Chief of Operation of Djarum company. When all the former Djarum Badminton Club players took action in wielding their rackets in a reunion competition, the central figure was perspiring as a photographer. Victor frequently pressed the shutters to record all the actions from Liem Swie King, Hastomo Arbi, Heryanto, or Eddy Hartono. Regular people would assume that he is a person in charge of Documentation. But in fact, that is one of the way Victor has dedicated for his concern towards badminton. "Djarum Badminton Club possesses a special commitment which is grandieur, which is to improve Indonesia's badminton culture. We realize in order to produce a world champion is not an easy task. Everything must start with a solid foundation, and one of them is to provide the best facility for a player," he said. He explained, that to accomplish that solid foundation, Djarum Badminton Club must build a new Badminton Sport Hall in the area of Jati, Kudus. This is in accordance and parallels to the vision of Djarum Badminton Club, which is to give all their best in producing as many world class athletes and world champion. "I hope with this new Sport Hall, it will envigorate the Indonesian people's spirit toward badminton, so it will rise again", he confirmed. According to Victor, in history, badminton is one of a tool in uniting Indonesia, as a country. When the hero of badminton is competing in Thomas Cup, Uber, Sudirman, Olympic or other tournaments, at that time all the badminton followers in Indonesia will not talk about ethnicity, religion, race, or even a player's culture or background. At that time, the thing that comes to the forefront is a national unity. "Just take a look, when all the Indonesian players won the Thomas Cup or when Taufik Hidayat won the gold medal in the Olympic, people will no longer talk about politics, religion, race or culture. This proves that badminton brings pride for Indonesia as a country and we long for that". (bhw)
Djarum has been a great supporter and sponsor of badminton-related activities in Indonesia for a long time now. This is to be admired and appreciated. But its business of cigarette production, which must have earned it billions of dollars in profit all these years as this company has expanded to become a commercial giant in Indonesia it is now, must surely have harmed the lives of many young and not so young people and their families, immeasurable in dollar terms. Cigarette smoking is harmful to the health of the smoker and to those non-smokers (indirect smoking) who have to endure the discomfort and the health hazards of inhaling the smoke from smokers around them. A great many studies have been done on the negative aspects of smoking and the how smokers' lives have been shortened by it. Medical bills soared and smoke-related ill health have prevented even young people from earning a decent living. This in turn brought financial difficulties to their family, especially if they are the sole bread winner. So wihile families face great financial difficulties and despair, the cigarette companies are smiling to the bank. In this sense, what is U$3 million expended in this new facility compared to the billions that had to be spent and wasted on smoking cigarettes. I hope the badminton trainees in this new "Center of Excellence" facility are not given free cigarettes as part of their incentives. Then one should not expect future world champions to emerge from this setup as they will be shortlived.
it's more than 70 percent people in indonsia are'tobacco' consumer no wonder why MALBORO bought PT SAMPOERNA (One of the biggest indonesia tobacco company), indonesia is the biggest tobacco comsumers in the world