[Review] Lining Axforce 80 4U

Discussion in 'Badminton Rackets / Equipment' started by Zoap San, Mar 12, 2023.

  1. Zoap San

    Zoap San Regular Member

    Feb 28, 2022
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    I have been using Axforce 80 4U for 2-3 months and it is my current main racket that I use for tournaments and training. I will be reviewing my initial impression and my thoughts on using this racket for 2 months including 3 tournament runs. At first I'm curious about this new racket Yuta Watanabe uses so I tried it and never change since.

    Balance : 302 mm.
    Shaft : Medium
    Max Tension : 30 Lbs
    My racket Actual Swing weight: 85.5 kgs (measured with Victor swing weight machine)
    normally around 84-86kgs
    Racket weight 83.2 grams
    String: VBS 66 Nano 27 lbs

    Initial Impression
    Gorgeous racket. Probably one of if not the best looking racket in the market IMO. I really like black/gold/pink painting on the racket with subtle tactile bumps. Holding felt light since its only around 83-84 grams which is considered on the lighter side for 4U racket nowadays, normally we see around 85-86 grams for 4U rackets.
    bending the shaft by hand felt medium-medium stiff. Eventhough the frame type is "box" the frame width is on the thinner side so swinging felt fast for a box frame. When I swing and flick my wrist a bit, the shaft felt softer than I thought, more like "whippy". Not bad first impression.

    Very very good repulsion from the racket. Shuttle speed I got from drives are great and the racket is very easy to move when I engage in fast drives or blocks. Anything short and fast with this racket felt great, but if you go for a wider swing then you will feel the shaft bending and whipping so at first it's very hard to time and will make your drives goes higher than you thought. Other than that, this racket is fast enough for fast pace drive play, you will feel a bit of head weight but it felt head lighter than 300+ mm balance point that's for sure.

    Effortless, very very easy to clear with, on/off balance overhead. You just need to hit somewhere in the middle of the rackets it will fly. The medium flex shaft really transfers the power well. Power adjustment is easy as well, I don't really hit it out often compared to "speed" type racket where you lose control of your power sometimes because the racket is fast. Backhand clears are easy.

    For stick smash and half smash, this racket performs as well as any power racket out there. Good shuttle speed and trajectory and the shuttle go where you wanted it to go. Nothing to complain for non-full power smash. But for full smash, this racket doesn't give you that much power for a 300+mm balance point racket.
    Smashing power is ok at best. But I don't really care about killer smash that much since it's kinda hard to do at a higher level where your opponent got decent defense. Compared to Ryuga 2 or 88D pro, my smash output with Axforce80 is around 90-95% speed of Ryuga2 and 88D Pro. Not bad I think. The most important aspect of playing with Axforce 80 is the timing. This racket is 100% not a day 1 racket where you will love it the first day your play with. Honestly I really hate this racket first 1-2 days of use. Because if your timing is a bit off. The whippy shaft will punish you so much you will hit fliers where you aim for body smash but the shuttle flies over your opponent head and goes out. I found myself always jump smashing at mid-court rather than standing smash sometimes since I fear that my smash will go out.

    Control (drop shot/slice/reverse slice)
    Very good control on the shuttle, just like my previous point. Anything not full power you get good control over your shuttle. Drop shots are nice and fast. Slice and reverse are easy to control. I think I do get better shuttle speed compared to all the racket I've tried with control shots.

    Net Play
    No complain, the racket head doesnt vibrate and doesnt over shot the shuttle. The shaft is solid and no wobble. What surprise me is that my cross net are now more deadly because of the better shuttle speed when changing direction. Other than that, no complain.

    The defense is super duper good. This is probably why Yuta still plays with this racket. the racket is swift so I can get behind a lot of smash better than other "box" frame racket. Because the shaft whips, lifts defense is super easy, you don't need to use a lot of power to return the smash to back-court again. I can easily cross court the smash very easy as well. This racket might be one of the best defensive racket I have ever tried. 100X, Hypersonic, Arc 7 Pro etc. Have very good defensive capability but the return are not as good compared to Axforce 80.

    Eventhough, Axforce is marketed as "Attacking" racket. Axforce80 is more of an all-round racket that is more of a defensive racket rather than attacking. Again, you probably need 2-3 days to adjust to this racket since the shaft action are more unique than other rackets. If you want racket that can do everything and easy to play with. Axforce 80 should be in your list. I will still use Axforce 80 until I'm bored of it but not anytime soon.

    Feel free to ask me anything.

    My Current Racket
    Lining Axforce 80 4U X2
    Felet Aerocarbon 3U
    Lining Halbertec 8000 4U
    LokiM, Raju and Deepclean1122 like this.
  2. Arisuin

    Arisuin Regular Member

    Jan 2, 2019
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    United States
    Appreciate the reviews as always. I've been using a 3u ax80 and have been absolutely loving it.

    Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  3. Yves-bzh-29

    Yves-bzh-29 Regular Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    Hi Zoap San, i play with the Black Panther 4u with Lining n1 at 25lbs. Can you compare with the AX 80 ?
  4. Zoap San

    Zoap San Regular Member

    Feb 28, 2022
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    Black panther is faster since its more aerodynamic. Would say both are very easy to play with. Axforce80 have noticeably a lot more shaft whip since it's a lot thinner at 6.6mm. Smashing power are similar but I do get a better angle from BP tho. Defense both have good defense. Axforce80 is atad bit slower but got better repulsion to drive the shuttle back while BP got lower repulsion but makes up for fast frame where you can generate faster swing for return. I felt that Axforce 80 is more forgiving tho. So yea, both good rackets.
    pootisfoib and Yves-bzh-29 like this.
  5. Alexious

    Alexious Regular Member

    Sep 7, 2022
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    from your current rackets
    which one has the best all-rounder performance but still good at smash?
    im using felet ti88, and i felt my smash is not that strong with that racket
  6. Zoap San

    Zoap San Regular Member

    Feb 28, 2022
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    I've used Ti-88 3U for a short while. Whats your Ti-88 weight? 4U or 3U?
  7. Alexious

    Alexious Regular Member

    Sep 7, 2022
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    me use 4U
    string xb65 26/28

    feel good when do netting/chop
    but smash feel a little bit weak not as strong as it's hitting sound XD
  8. Zoap San

    Zoap San Regular Member

    Feb 28, 2022
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    Only for Felet, I will always recommend using 3U racket because their 3U racket weight is normally around 86 grams which is the weight
    for most 4u rackets nowadays. So felet's 3U = other brand 4U racket thats prob why your smash is weaker than you're expecting. If you really like Ti-88 4U but needed more power I suggest Felet TJ1000 4U or go for Ti-88 3U version. Prob try Ti-88 3U since the racket price is on the cheaper end.

    Back to your question about my current rackets. Ax80 is still the best all-rounder for me and probably suits my playstyle best. But if I need to go full aggressive then Aerocarbon 3U have better power but I will sacrifice defense and front court play since it's more head heavy and a heavier racket.
    Jun Keat Ng and Alexious like this.
  9. Jun Keat Ng

    Jun Keat Ng Regular Member

    Feb 9, 2022
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    kuala lumpur

    felet ti88 front and center play only, not enought smash, if wan all around look for woven tj power 3u then enough already
  10. Yves-bzh-29

    Yves-bzh-29 Regular Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    @Zoap San, have you play with the Lining Tectonic 7 compare to the AX 80 and the BP 4u ?
  11. Zoap San

    Zoap San Regular Member

    Feb 28, 2022
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    Tectonic 7 have atad bit stiffer shaft (less whippy) and a bit head lighter compared to Axforce 80. Axforce 80 got better smash and repulsion on short swing (defense and stick smash) but you get control and stability with tectonic 7. Both are easy to play with and beginner-friendly imo.

    For BP, BP is noticeably stiffer with similar balance point (haven't use BP for 3 months now so these are based on feeling alone).
    BP have better front court play since the frame is faster and more stable due to stiffer shaft. I think both have similar smashing power. Axforce 80 still have better defense with better repulsion IMO. One thing I don't like about BP is that the head shape is oval, just my preference and it doesn't effect performance.
    Yves-bzh-29 and raven1121 like this.
  12. Zoap San

    Zoap San Regular Member

    Feb 28, 2022
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    IMO Ti-88 3U got enough smashing power for backcourt tho. I think both Ti-88 and tj power have similar balance point so smashing power should be different as I have tried both models in 3U and 4U weight. Most of the time I recommend Ti-88 or 3K Woven is because of the price.
    If price isn't an issue then TJ1000 is the best Felet I've tried so far.

    I recorded myself smashing with Ti-88 3U

    I have changed my swing a bit since then but smashing power shouldn't change much.
  13. xinless

    xinless Regular Member

    Jun 13, 2022
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    Hey, is it possible to share the differences between AxForce 80 and 90 Tiger Max?

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