Managed to watch just one match today, WSX vs Sindhu. WSX really played well. She hardly made any mistake. Her strokes were really beautiful and accurate and she really outmaneuvered Sindhu. Wonder if Sindhu is too exhausted from last week's outing in Danemark. Not taking anything away from WSX, though.
yes u r ri8 i agree with as now the world has changed a lot everyday you go out of your house in trains in schools in parks you find these sort of scenes but some people who havn't developed litterally i doesn't mean anyone who opposed me maybe you oppsed of some other reasons maybe religiously) so i am really sorry if someone felt bad with that post.
yes maybe its not appropriate because there are some people here who are not adults now or they use computer between family maybe thats why otherwise i totally agree with you that it was not something vulgar or intimating p0rn sort of stuff
When WSX is on top of her game, she is in her element, her placement shots are like precision strikes finding their targets time and time again. That coupled with her superb retrieving ability and , what's more, her occasional winning smashes really makes her a very tricky proposition for anyone.
Wow so happy my idol Chen Hung Ling / Wang Chi Lin finally won the match today. What an upset too. Wow.
wow biggest ever upsets detected today chen hung ling / wang chi lin won against takeshi kamura / keigo sonada 21-19 21-18.
Sorry to my idol Chou Tien Chen. Couldn't watch your match today. Too late already. Hope you will win your match today. All the best.
No big deal. hYD is our de facto sporting capital and has hosted BWF WC and AAG in the past among others.
Like. I would want PVS to consistently get tough draws till she breaches the top 8. The three Chinese, SN, CM, RI,AY and her kryptonite ML every time in R1. Let her earn her way into the elite. Shall prove beneficial in the long run.
WYH not so susceptible to drop shots now, defending much better, and biding her time to attack, not rushing.