Yesterday when I was asked to rate SYQ's chances against Momota, I answered 'at most 40%' - that's because I was influenced by how he played Sameer, his mindset seemed a bit negative until G3 after barely surviving G2 , and, I thought, no way can SYQ withstand against the even more dangerous, steady and consistent Momota who looked unstoppable all the way to the final.
But today we saw a different Shi Yuqi from the get-go and I was soon forced to reassess my opinion of him. To be frank, even after SYQ won G1 handsomely, I still wasn't sure, at most 50-50, that he could pull it off. In the end, that SYQ actually did so in two straight sets, comprehensively and in style, was more than a pleasant surprise for me. I gladly eat my words.