Acc to, Coach Henry's own words Daniel was given the privilege to choose his partner for the MD2 clash vs Taipei from the four options below Setiawan Ahsan Gideon Fernaldi Sanjaya Sukamuljo He chose Ahsan.
Indonesians love football to the core and so much money spent in that sport, but for all of that they sucks balls. League is **** tier, national team is one of the worst in the world. They can't even win a regional south east Asian championship throughout its history. Badminton is one of the few sports Indonesia good at.
Don't worry your u16 team of 2018 was epic. Probably one of the most improved sides I've ever seen. Bagus Kahfi was one of the standout performers for me. They'll be a strong force in ASEAN in coming years. If we talk about derbies then Persija vs Bandung is one of the fiercest derby stories I've ever seen thanks to Copa 90.
Indonesia was fantastic yesterday. Baddyforall congratulates Indonesia for winning Thomas cup after 19 years.
Alright. Six Djarum players, Praveen Jordan, Melati Daeva Oktavianti, Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja, Akbar Bintang Cahyono, Andika Ramadiansyah and Marsheilla Gischa Islami, are out of PBSI. It was said that PBSI send them back to the club. Not yet to be officially announced, they wait after the annual National Selection process that will take place in mid-January. Praveen/Melati Infokan ke PB Djarum kalau Mereka Dicoret dari Pelatnas (Praveen/Melati informed PB Djarum that they are expelled from Pelatnas) Definitely surprising and out of nowhere, considering PraMel is INA XD1. Even Coach Nova in his recent public rant over PraMel, still saying that although underperforming in 2021, they’re still Indonesia’s current best XD and WR5. He even said that they wouldn’t be kicked out but they could leave on their own (if they still couldn’t sort out their personal problems). But the report from JawaPos said that this demotion move isn’t by PraMel’s own decision and the demoted players are sad about it. And interestingly, so far only players from Djarum club were out, they even broke Hafiz/Gloria with this move. Very weird and a bad move I’d say. Yeah, INA fans heard stuff for years about Praveen’s lack of discipline and serious attitude problems. But it’s not happening on him alone and by kicking out seniors including INA XD1, it will make things hard for juniors at the PBSI. For a long long time, INA WS has on going problems because of the lack of seniors/ role models. Gregoria was a potential player and basically forced to be a senior and send to big tournaments very soon although she was a junior herself. While this isn’t exactly the same with INA WS condition, now PBSI only have juniors. I do aware that these 6 players will still compete but they won’t train and sparring together with their juniors (unless they have Ahsan/Hendra-like arrangement) which I don’t think would do any good. Spoiler: About some rumors (I think it's better to be separated from the main news in a spoiler tag) It’s not a secret that politics are involved in many INA national agencies including national sport associations. PBSI’s image isn’t worse or the same as others that already labeled negatively by Indonesians, largely because of achievements of their athletes save their face. There are strong rumors that current relationship of PBSI and Djarum isn’t good. Still a rumor mind you, as Yoppy Rosimin of Djarum didn’t deny or confirm anything when asked. After the KPAI fiasco of baseless accusation of PB Djarum’s audition is a ‘child exploitation’ in 2019, things were getting worse until Djarum completely pulled out of PBSI sponsorship. I recalled that I heard stuff from media like JawaPos (with their sources)then discussed further by INA fans that apparently PBSI people said that PBSI doesn’t need Djarum and also another weird accusation from PBSI people that Djarum wants to monopolize and have hidden motives which offend Djarum association. There are also rumors that Djarum wouldn’t take part of supporting PBSI under their current management. Djarum themselves were very loyal to Indonesian badminton and PBSI for decades. They spend more than USD 10M (close, or more than USD 20M, even) a year for PBSI and tournament sponsorships only. All things said, if this move is indeed because of ‘Djarum factor’, I don’t think PBSI will do the same to MD. Several of their important players in that section are from Djarum, including the most consistent and popular one, Kevin. Some INA fans are now saying that it’s a ‘Djarum purge’ in PBSI but I don’t agree. It’s an insufficient purging job then, considering XD player Rinov Rivaldy is also from Djarum. Now some people are also talking about PBSI’s monetary condition because of the previous rumor that INA pulled out of BWC because of budget issues. The fact that recently INA Thomas Team’s bonus money was cut, without any notice beforehand, for what was said supposed to be PBSI’s founding fund. INA Thomas Team members were baffled and reposting each other’s Instagram stories of their responses. If those things about PBSI vs Djarum are true, then it seems that without Djarum, PBSI is struggling with their funding (even with the help of other big sponsors). Personally, I yet to believe the money problem stuff until more concrete evidence, but cutting athletes’ bonus money for things that they supposed to already have their own designated budget for (e.g. founding) is a major red flag.
Another thing. A summary for people who didn’t hear it, about a recent thing that happened in INA about the TC: Current INA Minister of Youth and Sports is a constantly ridiculed and criticized figure by INA fans for a while. The WADA sanction to INA because of LADI’s (INA’s anti-doping association) negligence of tons of matters like sending samples was labeled by him as ‘trivial matter’ because it’s ‘just an administration problem’. They just started a serious move to resolve it after PBSI’s flag used in the TUC went viral and many public figures speak up about it. Recently, it’s about bonuses. Usually, a win in a world level of major tournament would awarded the athletes some appreciation money by the government. The previous minister was very active about bonuses and appreciation, including single event tournament like All England. INA fans considered him to be better at his job than the current minister although his involvement in a corruption scandal ruined him. During WTF, the whole INA Thomas team that already went back to Jakarta was asked to fly back to Bali again to take a picture together with INA President and the said current minister. And then the team flew back again to Jakarta. Without any monetary appreciation whatsoever. Jojo and Fajar made a dig about it. The Minister said that nobody is promising anything (about the bonuses) and mentioned that the Thomas Cup isn’t an prestigious event and only count multievent like OG, AG, SEA Games. People dug around and there’s an actual written rule about the bonus for athletes for major event like Thomas. He was roasted by netizens. And like usual, he finally makes a move about bonus afterwards. And then, that week, suddenly an obvious paid smear campaign by human controlled bots circulated in social media against the Thomas team especially Jojo. Both Jojo and Fajar, the most outspoken players about bonus were featured in multiple made-up memes that paint them as money craving and ungrateful. It was short-lived, fortunately, as INA fans retaliated and easily overwhelmed and drown the smear campaign. It’s a bizarre situation. And now, after the ministry agreed to give IDR 10 Billion bonus, PBSI claimed part of the money without any discussion prior, judging by TC team members’ reactions.
PBSI created a list of Pelatnas players to take part in health and medical check up and the previous six names (Praveen, Melati, Gloria, etc) don’t seem to be among them. So, it seems that the decision doesn’t change even after the final PBSI council meeting. Tak Ada dalam Daftar PP PBSI, Praveen/Melati Hampir Pasti Dicoret (Not On The List of PBSI Council, Praveen/Melati Almost Definitely Dismissed) Melati already changed her IG bio from ‘National Team member’ to ‘badminton player’. Also, Coach Hendry Saputra left Pelatnas. Hendry Saputra Dipastikan Tak Lagi Jadi Pelatih Tunggal Putra Pelatnas (Hendry Saputra Confirmed to No Longer be the Head Coach of the National Team's Men's Singles) ________________ Sabar Karyaman Gutama/Reza Pahlevi Isfahani left Pelatnas by their own decisions. Apparently, the lack of tournament and they yet to get any personal sponsorship contract are the reason. PBSI didn’t participated in India tournaments recently also made them to consider to leave even more. And there is a boss of a club offered them a sponsorship. Herry IP asked them to stay for at least a year more and reconsider their decision but in the end, they still wanted to leave. Hope that it’d be the best for them. Finalis Spain Masters 2021 Bukan Terdegradasi, Tapi Memilih Mundur (Spain Masters 2021 Finalists Aren’t Demoted, But Chose to Step Down)
Greysia just said that she'll still in the Pelatnas this year. Previously in November 2021, she said that she'll retire in 2022. She said that she'll tell us the reason(s) one day. But she mentioned that it's not (only) for her own interests.
For a country like Indonesia, it seems difficult to get two men's singles player to be consistent in tournament results.
Indeed. Consistency is a major homework for many national players for years. Also, they did great with the rise of Jojo and ASG after a long time of MS drought but they seem to get stuck again. I recalled that I saw some people said that CHN MS ‘stuck’ which I don’t agree. Compared to INA, their regeneration is better. Pandemic makes the regeneration process even worse. No words yet. But it could go either way. They’re a successful pairing and current INA best, there’s always possibility of them still together unless if PBSI will make Greysia guides her juniors by pairing her up with a new player for her last active year. Plus, INA WD2 isn’t in a good condition now since Ribka is still recovering from her ACL injury from the Bali leg. Without GreyAp, things will be hard for a while. ______________________ PBSI didn’t extend WD assistant coach Chafidz Yusuf’s contract. He has a role in pairing up Marcus/Kevin, Fajar/Rian, Siti/Ribka, helped Greysia/Apriyani to get the OG, etc and seemingly well-liked. Several players are sad and posted their respect and tribute for him. He bids farewell on his social media account and mentions that he was surprised and assured that it wasn’t his decision. In interview, he also said that he was told by PBSI council that he “couldn’t contribute enough” but he wouldn’t reveal the main reason why they didn’t extend his contract (that PBSI told him). Mengejutkan, Chafidz Yusuf Terdepak dari Pelatnas PP PBSI (Shocking, Chafidz Yusuf Dismissed From Pelatnas PP PBSI) ______________________ I almost forget about this. Because of INA’s cooperation, WADA’s sanction will end (start in February 2022). Update Pembebasan Sanksi WADA: Bendera Merah Putih Akan Segera Berkibar Lagi (Update of WADA Sanction Relinquishment: The Red and White Will Wave Again)