i dont know exactly what happenned to WCH ... he does not perform well today. sony keep hitting his back-hand ... and he always lost his step ...
Probably one of his off days, it happens in sports. He also struggled against Ronald earlier. Anyway, all credit to Sony, he certainly deserves the gold. BAM should pay more attention to the women now that Malaysia have Mew Choo, Wong Pei Tty and Chin Ee Hui. Should send them out more and groom young ones. As for the men, this is another clear indication that Roslin cannot be depended on. Perhaps Lee Chong Wei, Hafiz or Lee TS would have been a better choice. On hindsight, Lee Chong Wei would definitely have been better than Roslin, he would have at least put up a better fight against Sony or even won, thus ensuring the gold for Malaysia. Roslin is such an open book, defence, defence and more defence, his smashes are a joke compared to Choong Hann's.
I would've written this as the "characteristic yo-yo performance by their men's team" since the Malaysian men seem to be either very up, or very down, to be both in the same event doesn't surprise me at all ;p
Thanks Pecheur for being more apt. I was trying to be more tactful since I was referring more to their performance in the SEA Games. As I recalled, are you from Melbourne? Our TV recent featured Melbourne as the "arts and lifestyle centre" of Australia. Indeed Melbourne looks beautiful and leisurely!