No, you didn't. Apologies. But that was the feeling I got from your posts. Your definition is remarkably identical to the one from Wikipedia except the first part is missing. Bad sportsmanship includes but is not limited to cheating and rule breaking. "...the most common offence of bad sportsmanship is the act of cheating or breaking the rules to gain an unfair advantage". Gloating, being a "bad loser" or a "bad winner" or just being disrespectful are other examples of bad sportmanship. And it can happen off court. But yes, this has wandered from where it started: The rule that I believe we all agree Momota should be excempt from in this particular case. I still haven't seen or heard anything.
OMG! Seems like no one can ask any questions in this forum as long as they involve a certain country! I asked that question because I honestly feel its an unfair(and borderline stupid) rule to players who are obviously and really injured when he played against a fellow countryman. And that's why I question the rule. And You decide to become defensive and chose to bicker and question with the person who provided the answer. And then now, it's me and the kind person who answered the question at fault! OMG! Why not you go and write the forum rules that no one is to ask any questions that MIGHT led you to become defensive! Or list a list of questions that might have a certain country in the answer! If that's what a forum is for, no question, no discussions, just forever praising a country, then it's not a forum but a FANCLUB! Anyway, that's all I've to say. I know you'll get defensive again and so Do not quote me! I do not want to argument with you again! I just feel that I should say my piece as I feel that you're trying to put me in a bad light, hinting I was trying to start a "slander topic" of your favourite country, but no, I was just asking a question to understand about something I didn't know. Too bad you didn't like it. Well, in future, ignore all my posts, they're not meant for you if you're so easily triggered. And please, don't make this forum a mine field! Whereby everyone have to be careful to avoid saying triggering words or topics.
Don't worry, you'll get used to this. The richness of this forum is the diverse perspectives offered by the members and the variety of their backgrounds. One need to learn to filter the responses and find the ones that really matter and related to your original query.
You are new and I hope you stay. Many came. Many saw. Many left. They didn't listen to me. It saddens me and maybe some others too. Never question the wrongdoings of CHN. Thank ^^^ Lin Dan retired.
That's why I've ignored some individuals on this whole forum in order to keep my peace of mind in check. Because some of them either reek of fanaticism or overly sensitive they would become volatile to certain mentions. Sent from my M2007J20CG using Tapatalk
Most readers here are reasonable people that will recognize when words are twisted and when people or arguments are misrepresented. Most people will take statements for what they are, and don't interpret everything as a personal insult that needs to be rebuked. In general, it is not the loudest person, the most argumentative, or the person that has the last word, whose opinion is ultimately respected. When you are attacked for seemingly no reason, feel free to ignore it. When someone is seeing ghosts, no amount of logical reasoning will convince them that the ghosts don't exist, so don't waste your breath. No need to defend yourself, because everyone else certainly sees when posts are unreasonable.
They weren't least I couldn't tell easily from the cam angle the stream was on. But the body language seriously resembles Takahashi-Matsutomo body language towards the tail end of their career. from what i read, seems like KM didn’t understand the rule that was explained by the tournament referee during the time out. so he sort of just continue with the match. luckily coach come to rescue.
My advice would be never to trust anything published in Badminton Planet. I love the enthusiasm displayed by the paper, but very little of the reporting is based on hard factual evidence. It is sensationalism rather than journalism, with content arbitrarily taken from other sources that haven't been properly verified, ... or properly translated.